About the Owners

Tom and Renee Hill founded Excelsior Self Defense and Fitness with a mission to help people be safe and fit. Driven by a passion for self-defense and holistic health, they launched this venture to provide the Hawkinsville community with top-notch Krav Maga, boxing, and metabolic testing services.

The Hills embrace the challenge of building their dream from the ground up, enjoying the journey of figuring it out as they go. Their philosophy revolves around constant improvement, reflecting the meaning of "Excelsior"—ever upward in Latin. This commitment to personal growth and continuous advancement is at the heart of their business.

At Excelsior, Tom and Renee aim to serve the community by promoting health and fitness from a mind, body, and spirit standpoint. They see their work as a calling, dedicated to enhancing the well-being of their members. Through personalized programs that incorporate nutrition and metabolic testing, they ensure each individual can achieve their fitness goals efficiently and effectively.

The Hills' deep Christian faith and vision for holistic development guide their approach, symbolized by the sword and shield in their branding. They want every member to experience growth in all aspects of life, moving ever upward in their journey at Excelsior.

With a background in small business, Tom and Renee bring a unique blend of experience and passion to Excelsior Self Defense and Fitness. They invite you to join their community and embark on a path of empowerment, safety, and holistic well-being.


KMW Training Centers, by Krav Maga Worldwide, are full service training grounds, providing the finest Krav Maga self-defense, fitness and fighting instruction.

Krav Maga Worldwide is currently the largest reality-based self defense organization in the world with over 240 licensed schools, over 500 law enforcement and government agencies and multiple specialized military units trained.